First Dev Log

This project was started on my birthday, March 20th, when a friend asked me what I wanted to do. Although a push for a flushed out GDD for just the days project was created, a more elaborate design doc was not a priority. A major part of my process for this game has been purely about what I want, which has been amazing for removing skepticism or hesitation, or delays for communicating with a team and reaching decisions, debating, or compromising. The revelation from this process has been the acknowledgement of the balance between tasks that inspire compared to the ones that deflate, and deciding each day which is important. Ultimately, no matter the task, knowing that the mechanics and the experience are exactly what I want has really pushed it forward.

The initial idea was simple.. make a building send power to another building. Seemed like just true/false statement, but for simplicity, enabling the player to connecting buildings anyway they want has at least doubled the difficulty for making it work. Also, having a building when it is added to a network of connected buildings, update amount of power received to all building in that network. Just wow lol so currently there is a bug you may find there.

I've always wanted to make a game using pcg(procedural content generation), that has high replayability but allows the player the freedom to build interesting layouts that depend on the environment. I don't want this to be a game about punishment or failure, where a mistake results in a loss, but rather you can take your time and play with your options and enjoy the epic conclusion of a rocket launch.

Of course with bugs I couldn't be too punishing as the game in its current state would be more than frustrating. And once I add more buildings, more  strategies will come.

Files 145 MB
Apr 25, 2021

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